On Thursday, 6th of December, I will host a press conference in Guatemala City at 2:00 P.M. Guatemala City time. I will be joined by my attorney and former Attorney General of Guatemala, Telésforo Guerra. I will read a prepared statement and then open up the floor for questions. The conference will end at 4:00 P.M. The venue will be announce on this blog tomorrow, December 5th.
I will also be selecting questions from the Internet community. If you have a question you would like answered at the conference, email the question to:
I will obviously not be able to answer every question.
Two of my friends are still being held in prison on trumped up charges. They are:
Eddie Ancona:

Cassian Chavarria:

They were charged and have been imprisoned because three legally licensed firearms were found in the incorrect rooms on my property (stretching the law to the extreme). I would ask you to please email the following and demand their release:
146 responses to “Press Conference 6th of December – Guatemala City”
You can take the horse to wate, but you can’t……………….
John McAfee:
Do you know anything about Faull outside of his life in Florida?
Do you have info on other people that knew Faull?
Did he have problems with Belizean authority?
Who was his maid?
Why did his maid leave at 1 a.m.? Saturday?
Did she live there?
Why did she return at 7:30 a.m.?
Can you talk with me about the police actions?
While I was away, trolls took over briefly. The ban hammer went out.. Thanks for your support!
Hi there blogger. Here is a question. Will there be any press conference since you have been detained?
Why did my original comment to this disappear?
Yes, by all means lets wager. That should be just the thing.
Name your terms.
I’m glad to see your taking control of some of these disrespectful comments. I cannot believe how rude some people are! Well, yes I can. You don’t need that in your life.
It’s 9:28 p.m.(pst) here in the West U.S. So hopefully Thursday day brings better news. Stay positive 🙂 and take that advice from your friend from CaLifeLover’s comment above. Yes, a shorter news conference. With 15 to 20 minutes of questions. You may have your own reasons of course, for how you want to do this. God give you wisdom and protection.
I hate to think this will happen…..but I do think it will. I am pretty sure Gautamala will send you back to Belize.
How about you just move back to the united states :).
Check the Home page; there’s a new post: John has been arrested in Guatemala.
Uh oh….
“The anti-virus software millionaire John McAfee has been arrested by Guatemalan police for illegally entering the country, the interior minister, Mauricio Lopez Bonilla, has said.”
Perhaps her facebook page has been compromised? It does seem weird though. Maybe her folks sent her to the states for education, I know lots of parents overseas would like to. But most likely John faked some of the bio on her to protect her ID while they were still in Belize. John – is that the case?
Regardless, I think it’s awesome they found someone they respect, love, and enjoy. Cheers!
last I heard, guatemala has arrested mcafee! any truth?
Third grade Ed. True that. The dumbing down is working lol
Thanks for the new email address.
yeah. guatemalan people don’t play. they kill
I think John realizes full well he could become a suspect anytime if the Belize police forms so deems him. This could happen any time in the future. So he has to position himself in a country without an extradition treaty with Belize. What they do today has no bearing on what they do in the future. Up to this point they were trying to appear pleasant, warm and fair. Now that they’ve lost this little battle and he’s escaped their clutches you may see their tactics change.
With English being prominent there and remnants of the British legal system, can you imagine the potential of the place? It could be so amazing if they could get the people working so they feel productive. Whenever you don’t have a functioning middle class you seem to have rampant corruption. Gotta work on educating the youth for the next generation. It would be great if John could work with organizations to bring cheap ereaders and electronic libraries to small towns. They could bring a vast amount of knowledge there for anyone willing to read. Books are way to heavy. Ereaders are the answer. Do you realize how many books can be stored on a cheap 1tb hard drive? About 300,000! For a hard drive costing about $50 on Ebay! Now imagine the space necessary and shipping required for 300,000 books! Ereaders are less than $100 new now. A LOT less. They are totally the future in rescuing the 3rd world’s education.
It’s intriguing that she joined FB only 2 days before Greg’s murder.
Substantial, objective, new, legit, and undeniable evidence must be produced tomorrow, at least in part. With that, you will build a reliable and powerful force behind you. Conjecture, opinion, promises, hypotheses, and/or delay alone will cause mutiny. We hope and anticipate the former. Buena suerte y fuerza.
Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.
Mr. Mcafee, As per the earlier poster, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. This is not good for your cause or credability. Please handout to the media tomorrow specific facts of the case in your defence. Vague and or blanket accusations of corruption towards the BZ GOB and police will not be of service to your cause. Please be specific.
Whatever happens, I know you will come out of this BS. I’ve never trusted any governement, but this is the world we live in. I don’t care what anyone says: You have made a dent in the Universe. You will be alright. Take care, friend.
Good advice!
It’s the culture not the political party. When it comes to gringos the UDP, historically, has been friendlier to outsiders. The difference in corruption from the UDP and PUP is only measured in small degrees.
Try getting into the US legally without money or to work. It’s a lot easier in BZ.
Mr. B, Your questions are insightful and your advice logical and practical. I’d be very fearful to be in GT and known to be rich, travelling above the radar, even with body guards, who may also give you up for an additional bonus. Also, even with a highly connected lawyer from GT, I’m not sure with the history between the two countries how this will be of help to John in BZ. The negative attention he’s receiving worldwide may be applauded by some immature net urchins but will make John completely persona non grata in BZ with the business community, especially in the tourist industry, and with both parties of govt. There are better ways of highlighting BZ corruption and GT is not a safe place to do it from. I can only assume John has some fear of returning to the US (maybe lawsuits) but he is definately safer in the US and will have a better platform inwhich to bring attention to BZ corruption. I also agree with your assessment of political asylum. Most sane people are running from persecution in GT not toward it. I doubt anyone who is knowledgable of the world and/or Central America would believe GT is more favorable than the US or, god forbid, BZ for that matter.
It was nobody’s business. I was not charged. I needed no alibi.
If you continue rudeness for the sake of rudeness, all of your future comments will be banned.
what I don’t like about Belize is the control the government puts on non-Belizean’s ability to work or labor at something to earn income, my neigbor has owned acreage in Belize for 20+ years and has told me unless you bring a”passive income stream”to live on, you will be SOL, plus, the fact I need to go buy a tourist visa every month to be able to stay is ludicrous..
It gets even more complicated with Sam’s FB page showing that she attended a high school in Columbus, Missouri!
His favorite niece & yet he watched her grow up dirt poor? He is obviously a very wealthy man, being the former Attorney General of Guatemala & yet he let her live like that? Great family support.
or #3:
The horrible crime committed to the neighbor is a completely unrelated accident. McAfee didn’t do it. Nor was it done by some other party to pin it on McAfee.
However, after it happened local politicians who were pissed at McAfee used the incident to harass McAfee. Probably not to kill him in jail, but rather so that he would bribe them or maybe leave the country so they can take his stuff.
Then McAfee flipped and the collected anger over the last 7 months (you know, guy’s kinda living everybody’s retirement dream there and basically wants to be left the fuck alone, bang girls and fish and then the government comes in and tries to fuck it up for him) boils over and he’s using the incident to hurt them as much as possible.
Man, you are killing the McAfee brand with all this…
that guy’s 67??? looks like early 50s.
i think they look cute together.
Nate has it right..
This storyline is fucking outstanding. Tastier than fiction, stranger than truth. I mean this in the best possible way i.e. not making light of your situation. Best wishes, John and Sam.
Understood. Thanks for the reply, sir.
But the question remains. Why seeking political asylum in GT?
1. You’re a US citizen who have nothing to achieve with a granted asylum since your not a present nor former political activist in the US. The fact that you might have been involved in political issues in Belize should have no bearing in GT.
2. Due to lack of control anyone can live in GT without papers or documents. GT is more or less the modern version of The Wild West. One can travel in or out of the country as much as one wants without any state or government interference.
After watching CNN today the following conclusions emerges.
Background according to CNN:
First: Some Belizian politician contacted you for money and/or a bribe but you told him he would have to leave empty handed.
Second: Noisy barking dogs was the reason your neighbor and you had some kind of conflict. The dogs were fatally poisoned and the next day the neighbor was shot dead.
With this is mind there are two possible scenarios.
#1. You were involved in the death of the neighbor and now looks for a haven in GT, which you argue you were not.
or #2.
Your noisy dogs got poisoned by the hands of the empty handed politician mentioned above who the next day killed the neighbor too. All in the intention to make you a murder suspect since s/he didn’t get the money requested.
No matter what, none of the above is ground for seeking political asylum nor is it reason for political asylum granted in any country. So my question remains; What is the political activities you were involved in in the US that you need to be protected from? (Because as far as I understand the issue you can’t seek political asylum in GT due to what happened in Belize, no matter what your reasons are.) Political asylum can only be granted due to actions taken in your home land, the US.
For whatever reason you have, the whole story looks like becoming a farce in order to promote your person. The blog attracts one weird person after another and I can’t see how these weirdos would work in your favor, nor do any good in your case.
My point is:
Show that you are reasonable and intelligent. No one has any criminal accusations against you nor what you have or have not done in Belize. No one has asked for your extradition.
– Drop the political asylum application.
– Apply for permanent residency in GT, if that’s what you want.
– Since the police force are so corrupt get some armed body guards if you decide to stay in GT. They are already in common use in GT due to bad governance as well as lack of respect towards law and order in every level of the Guatemalan society.
Mr B
Yuck, that is. No chuckles here.
I just realized now that the niece of the Attorney General of Guatemala is your alibi for the night of the crime. That’s fortuitous as well. Might have allayed a lot of peoples suspicions if you had mentioned that two weeks ago.
Totally. I had considered at least a trip there. Have travelled much – not sheepish, but after all that Mr. McAfee has exposed, Absolutely No F’in way would I ever set foot in such a place. I will encourage all the People I know to do the same. Life is chancy enough.
Absolutely. Well said. Sam is Obviously an “Old Soul,” and Mr. McAfee, both an Old and Young Soul… Both are extremely Beautiful People, They Shine. GodSpeed John & Sam..!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good fight John.
Interpol, FBI, Belizean Police are all pretty excited about the press conference.
Hey John … just watched Savidge on CNN, this guy is clueless. I know you are going to do the press conference … just a thought, can you still go into hiding and do it via live video? I just want you to be ready for anything … like Belize gets the trumped up ballistic tests back and issues an International warrant, or they say that someone else has been arrested and all is fine for you to return.
Please John, think of everything … you are still not safe from Prison.
Any chance of a live YouTube feed of the press conference?
So glad you are safe and sound.
I hope it will work, carrie on John, we are all with you. Greatings from France.
John, some old friends of yours from the tech world are my clients. I sent them a link to your website. They are hoping that you get out of this in one piece.
On to another topic: WHAT are you thinking? A 2-hour press conference. That’s nuts! Who is advising you?!! People’s eyes will roll back in their heads and you will loose momentum. Three minutes max statement from you and 15 to 20 minutes of questions. You can have more conferences in coming days to fully get your story told.
Another commenter said you should have scheduled it further out to give international media time to arrive and he was right.
And Vice Magazine??!! That’s just kind of ridiculous in the mix of what you are trying to accomplish. I fully support you in that endeavor but you are making some poor choices that run counter to professional judgment and common sense.
Having said that…best of luck to you.
John – is the lawyer or the AG Sam’s uncle? Am very confused.
You posted previously ‘She is still by my side. The former Attorney General of Guatemala is her uncle. She lived with him for quite a while. he adores her and accepts me. It works out well.’
I’m with you Tim. That photo brought a collective “Yuk” from a lot of us.
John, I met you in person a few times. You have spun an interesting web. 80% of your accusations against the GOB is accurate. I deal with these ministers all the time. I have been in Guatemala a few times, pretty understated , they actually have infrastructure there. If only we could convince the GOB to put 50% of their crime funds back into infrastructure and understand the big picture of investment… I actually thought you might go to Guatemala, anyway i have $250K USD cash for the rights to your storey….(not kidding)
Well put Nate, and they are both adults. It is simply not ours to judge. Let it go.
It DOES happen! Geezzz. Often!
John and Sam, I’ve been following for days but this is my first post. I’m glad you’re safe but very concerned about your health and well-being. You’ll need to stay strong to continue your fight, so I hope you find time to hide somewhere, hopefully in the woods or by the seashore, and rest for a while. Sorry to see the two of you smoking – it’s probably the stress – so please try to quit and take care of yourselves. If you ever need advice about health, longevity, juice fasting, and herbs, please email me and I’ll be happy to share what I know. Wishing the very best for the two of you and everyone else involved. Too many people have been hurt and I’m truly hoping that your efforts make a positive difference.
They lived in different countries. Sam is Belizean. Her uncle is Guatemalan.
That is not true, I don’t hide we have problems, but not exactly in the way you are saying. you are a liar. be careful ehhh.
168 million. You don’t really believe they destroyed it all,,,do you?
I hope you find peace. I don’t believe any of these allegations. You were always kind to me. If I may help you please let me know. My door is always open. Forget the coffee, how are the cigars in Guatemala?
Jonathan Jergensen
McAfee thank you so much for doing this… i must confess I am a Belizean, like you I love my country however the corruption and lack of moderation and consciousness makes me very angry. Easpecially how ackward and unprofessional the cops are. Most cops in Belize either have a criminal record befor joining the force and most of them were gang members when younger. It is the only job where they could take control of people and get away with it…to my knowledge and I’ve seen it and i know most people have… they drink in their uniforms and go around harassing people… it makes me so angry… THANK YOU FOR MAKING THEM WORK THEIR ASS OFF IN ORDER TO GET TO YOU… ITS ABOUT TIME!!
He may not be wanted for “questioning” there but obviously you don’t know how organized the gangs are over in Guatemala… If the cops didn’t get them in Belize that gangs in Guatemala will if they think he is worth that much.
I would strongly recommend against entering into friendly bets or wagers with Dr. McAfee.
Aryeh Goretsky
Well if she was his favorite niece, why didn’t she ask him for a job instead of you.
You are wrong about Belize. I am a betting man. I will guarantee I will be back in less than two months. Care to wager?
Easier to ask what warrant COULDN’T they issue?
Let’s see: conspiracy to obstruct justice, interfering with a police investigation, illegal entry/exit from Guat/Belize, human smuggling across international borders, and that’s before we even consider what evidence they may or may not have against you on the murder of your neighbor.
You’ll never see the inside of Belize again.
It was Landy Burns. Not himself, but someone representing him. Someone already outed in two audio tapes posted earlier on this blog.
I don’t get your question. The lawyer is Sam’s uncle. She is his favorite neiece. Sam’s father was not as lucky in life. It happens.
Amy was 17 (now 18). Sam is twenty.
I am not wanted for any crime. I am seeking asylum from political persecution. The Guatemalans underdstand this well. I have no criminal charges whatsoever against me.
One more friendly salvo,
For those who harbor ill feelings regarding John being with Sam……Chew on this.
Youthfulness is not determined by age. It is determined by one’s life force. One who possesses hope is forever young. One who continually advances is forever beautiful.
May love find us all.
I would not want anyone to interfere with The Belize Government’s Information Systems. It would not serve my purpose. I need the Government to feel the world’s anger, and they cannot if some group brings their systems down. If you are with such a group, I beg you to back off.
Perhaps you will answer the following in the press conference:
In your blog entry “From Samantha” She in her own broken English describes growing up in abject poverty there in Belize, with a father who was never around, 8 siblings, looking for firewood in the forest, a shack with just a stove and a couple of beds (as I recall) and so forth. She says she showed up on your property looking for a job, and because she was curious about whom everyone thought was a bad man (you) who supposedly fed children to crocodiles.
Well the thing that’s so puzzling is how extremely fortuitous it was for you that this plucky young lass from the poor hinterlands of Belize happened to have as an uncle who was the attorney general of the country of Guatemala, a man who would come to be such a crucial, powerful, and timely ally for you as we speak.
You certainly must be one of the luckiest persons to ever walk the face of the earth. It defies comprehension, if not belief. (Actually it does defy belief).
Do you understand my incredulity? Do you intend to explain any of this, either now or at the press conference? Why has no one else been puzzled by this?
I remember you from Tribal voice. I was John’s cabby.
I haven’t been charged with anything. What warrant could they issue?
KEEP SAFE!! This is Such great NEWS!!
In my personal opinion, fully open up the corruption narrative at this press conference and squash detractors. A perfect time while you still have the eyes of the world. Because many people have no understanding outside of their own communities, regarding the workings of the world, perhaps spell the Belize situation out in a way that can be digested easily. Third grade classroom level explanations might be needed to open the minds to this. Have you had contact with the People’s United Party? This would be a good time to pull that card and show the world that this is more than just Mcafee.
As they say in theater, break a leg, John, snap a femur bone.
Huge moment here.
Just watched clip….glad you are safe and looking good! Sam as well:) Still praying for you guys!
Use the invisibility cloak, John!
What shady people?
Congratulation’s on the engagement. Loved the tease from what’s to come while you all were on the boat.& in the car.. When things settle down maybe you could help Sam get a face-book page going. She has followers also.(me) Hopefully now Belize officials can take the attention off you and free your friends and get to the bottom of Greg’s murder…
Not a good idea, don’t ask to Guatemala, they will refuse and send you back to Belize, i’m quite sure. You should find another solution i think.
All this talk about Guatemala- in advance can you tell us why you will surround yourself with shady characters and high-drama people? Whats the justification going to be next time? Oh- are you going to blame women or the gov again? I appreciate many of your interests- but- I call BS on the shady people you surround yourself with. You could live a beautiful peaceful life- but you make a deliberate choice to be around freaks. Its disappointing and a let-down for those of use who are not so affluent. I know you will have a long ramble of a justification- but thats just your spin-politics. Dam sad to see the garbage of a life you chose, you chooooose. F!
Welcome to your new site in Guatemala, no one is guilty until you have verified all causes, here’s your chance to say you’re innocent. all be fine!
Someone that poisoned four dogs deserved to be executed. The activity your reporting by authorities in Belize is very disturbing. I can understand why you would slip into Guatemala in lieu of the US embassy in Belize City.
I don’t understand why some of you take the time out of your day to post negative comments or try to discredit John or his story. This is a site where his supporters and the supporters of the injustice of the Belizean government are happy to get updates and links where we might help. If you think he is a crazed drug addict or this is a shenanigan don’t waste the space or your time posting here. Continued Luck John.
At least he’s not wanted for “questioning” by the police in Guatemala. He also seems to be making a lot of progress there.
(I don’t think he’s there for the coffee, but I may be wrong – good question for the press conference.)
So, how are you going to handle the international arrest warrant that Belize is about to issue for you?
You are aware that would involve INTERPOL Police, who has offices in Guatemala City. What? You are going to run again? Oh no.
if you wont post my 3rd post. then please delete my other 2 posts in support of your cause.
i was testing you to see if you would allow reasonable comments for AND against your cause.
by the way, youre not the only gringo in OW. Why lie about something so mundane. Pathological liars lie even when theres no reason. WHY??
Come on you killed the guy. Be a man Admit and turn yourself in. Have the courage. All this is BS with your Blog. I dare you publish this comment
Hello John, just wanted to say that my legion of friends and I consider you a rock star and we follow your every post and comment. I understand the purpose of your blog (very clever really) and we appreciate the side benefits to us – a chance to follow a famous man navigating through a dangerous and exciting situation.
Your descriptions of dealing with authorities in third world countries has been of extreme interest and we thank you for taking the time to write such detailed descriptions of dealing with everyday low echelon types. That is SUCH useful information.
I have been to Belize, so I had no problem understanding your situation. I was a tourist, but I have no interest in tourist things, so I walked into the city and wandered amongst the common folk and ate lunch along with some common workers. I can see the attraction.
I was always interested in Curaçao – of the islands I have visited, that is the one I thought would be a good place to retire – thoughts?
Also, I wanted to know (for reference purposes only) if you still wished that certain parties frequently visit Belize’s various official websites in a non-standard way? I only ask because those sites probably aren’t particularly secure and may be bandwidth-limited – so *we* certainly wouldn’t want them to become unavailable from the strain; right?
In a dream I had last night, I was in control of a botnet that could be used to overwhelm the shaky infrastructure of a third world country.
By the time the dream ended, I was creating a custom malware package that looked for certain language characteristics when determining whether to attack a particular computer or not.
That will teach me to eat a big meal before I go to bed.
If that is the case then why would the GOB stop the plan and destroy on Camera the USD$130M worth of Cocaine. Aren’t there crooked cops where you live
With all due respect, I have no intention what so ever to insult nor to offend you or anyone else.
I read that you like pranks and practical jokes…
Some facts:
1. Guatemala (GT) is one of the worlds most dangerous countries to live in. Among many bad facts concerning GT it has a killing rate of 39 per 1000 inhabitants. Here people get shot dead for a simple cell phone. Far more than 4500 cars have been stolen so far this year, and most of them are never found.
2. 98% of the killers are never caught by the corrupt police. Not without reason, the police are considered criminals in uniform by a lot of people in GT.
3. Massive and severe corruption is found in every level of the GT society, including the jurisdictional system. The UN supported CICIG institution, witch tries to fight the corruption in GT, just filed complaints concerning 18 corrupt judges.
Stating that GT has a higher level of jurisdictional respect than Belize seems a bit odd. Is this another one of your pranks?
Why are you seeking asylum in GT?
As far as I know (Note; I can be wrong here) the asylum instrument was invented for and is used world wide to protect democratic political activists/opponents mostly from dictatorships like the former USSR, during the wars in Iran and Irak or nowadays for refugees from today’s North Korea, DPRK. It’s not supposed to be used giving innocent criminal suspects a haven.
Aren’t you a US citizen? Isn’t your home land the US where you’re not wanted for any crime? If so, what is your preferences for seeking asylum in GT since your not a criminal suspect in the US?
Last but not least…
Welcome to GT.
-In Gt everything is the opposite of a civilized country.
Once again…
No offense intended, no offense given.
John, it’s very important to realize that the press will cut and dice your statements. Every single half-sentence MUST stand on its own or they will screw you.
Example: http://youtu.be/4EtNw5yfN1M
For those of us who are geographically and word time challenged… 2pm Guatamala City local time?
Also if you know of any media outlet that will be streaming it so we can watch it live as it happens instead of just getting selective clips on the media.
From the Vice teaser it looks like they did not have to endure sun dried Iguana, maybe that’s why they lasted longer than the financial times reporter
Glad you are at least out of Belize and have retained counsel. Will he also be working on getting your other two friends out of jail and hopefully your things returned?
John now that you are not in Belize, can you name the politician who wanted you to make a huge donation on campiagn…aleast come clean on it…Belizeans want to hear some truth…thanks fpr exposing the GSU, remember its the USA who trained this group…similar when the use to train paramilitary in other centeral america..killing its own people to protect american companies remember the fruit company banana… guates where killing lots of these people fled to bze ….hope u come clean…all the best thou…
She was black as the night
Louie was whiter than white
Danger, danger when you taste brown sugar
Louie fell in love overnight
Hey David, please stay away from John or just get twice the amount of dogs to compete..ah make sure u get some good AK’s cheap in guatemala…include 6 young chicas for a tamles per day…Guatemala so fuck up that they come to bze to jobs bzeans don’t want to do..
best of luck in the press conference
If he marries sam is it going to be an open marriage?
said previously sam was 17 wat up?
Hi John,
When will you be releasing the evidence of the Belize corrupt government? I hope you dont plan on living in Guatemala, its alot worse that Belize because of its bigger population there are going to be lots of “sharks” around you for your money…I say fight this well with lawyers and even though the UDP still has 4 yeas more it doesnt seem like the can hold through. Its good that you mentioned the PUP have not tried to contact you and I believe its because I dont think they have the resources and good leadership right now. On another note there are rumours of you getting married…please dont. I know you are bonding real well with Sam but cmon you have other gfs and I really dont think its a good idea because of the situation. It was a smart move not to go to Mexico, their government is also corrupt and Honduras is even worst. Try to negotiate with Belize lawyers and help us end the corruption in Belize.
john, you realize you and sam are rockstars now, right? rolling stone should be calling you soon to be on their cover. half kidding. people go crazy over a good love story. i bet half the people on here dont even care if you did kill someone, they just want you to win. this story has so many aspects……i doubt hollywood could write a more intresting story. im loving every moment of this.
did everyone see the Belize news this last night>
the crooked cops caught unloading and refueling a drug plane last year have been found NOT GUILTY!!
had to expect that. since the GOB was running the whole operation. anytime a plane lands, the police are escorting and protecting the shipment. and that’s no bull
yea guatemala city’s alot better!!! LOL
gunshots going off every 15 minutes even on sundays. hijackings of buses and roads all over the country. not worth the coffee
Just found the blog, the travel advice brought back memories for me, kept posting.
I must have missed the part where he announced his engagement to Sam! Haha good going John, even in the worst of times there’s always time for a bunk up! Congrats to you both 🙂
So happy to know you and Sam are safe! Is there anyone else we can contact to help you, your friends and the fight against corruption? I am co-sponsor at Respect Us. I sent emails to all the links you provided. Myself and many others will stand with you against corruption. Thank you for giving us a voice.
Health and Happiness,
Taking questions from the internet is a good idea. I will have someone set up an email address and you can send the questions.
Marry Sam during the press conference and prove to the world that you are a man of your word despite the addiction to dissimulation. Sam deserves it and we all want to see the wedding ASAP.
Then you can both work on selecting your first local concubines together.
Vice got you out…..wow! Good to hear you guys are safe and out of the elements. I have been informing my co-workers of your story….mainly south american immigrants. It seem a bad portrait of you was painted by the big media and that is the portrait that is sticking in America for now. Most people here don’t understand what a currupt government desperate for assets is capable of. Good luck to the both of you, hopefully soon all the craziness on this blog will be replace by wedding photos…..I suggest honeymooning in the states!
In my previous post, I thought an intelligent person might conclude one of the many types of police stole Savidge’s laptop and iphone from his hotel room, shortly after he returned from your interview.
Savidge was surprised that thieves detached the equipment from the charging cords. “I would think if they were going to resell my laptop and iphone, the buyer would want the charging cord”, he said on CNN.
What Savidge clearly believes is his equipment was taken to capture information.
Hello John,
For all of us interested folk limited to internet, can you tell us if your press conference will be hosted live on YouTube or another internet media so we may all follow along? Any chance you will take select questions from the internet? This should make for a very interesting afternoon. I hope all the world media scrambles to attend. And don’t forget to emphasize the reward for Mr. Faulls killer, that would certainly help too.
thank you
Good luck John. The Court Of Public Opinion has a very large jury that votes with their tourism $$$. Time for a “regime change” in Belize!!!
I hope things work out for you.. its intresting watching this unfold..
Best thing I’ve heard in a long time-progress at last.
Sorry – lost interest now. Photo of 67 year old man kissing 20yr old girl lost me.
Wont be back.
See ya.
All the best to you, John. The world will be watching the Press Conference, good move.
Wrote to Belize on behalf of your mates – good luck to you all.
WHAT A STORY!!! Sir you are a legend! when this film of your adventure is eventually made (and i have great faith it will) PLEASE dont let it be dry buggered hollywood style. do it right TRUTH ALWAYS FINDS A WAY THROUGH peaceANDlove to you and your future bride.
Opps I want to take that back
I just said more than I know
Just watched the CBS, street interview in Guatemala, …it was very impressive, clear and concise.
This is so none of my business, and without being asked,
But may I suggest, before your press conference, you try to relax, (I hear kriya breaths and self hypnosis is good for that ) stay Hydrated, calmer. perhaps a slower less agitated approach would be more affective ?
and maybe a few laughs along the way? You can be so Playful in your Posts. (come on ya gotta laugh.. How did it come to this? and he’s getting married? the freest in the land . who knew?
Your body language is telling.
I was watching the local news here in Mexico, and I was surprised to see your story being covered. The story was related to your plight and your current presence in Guatemala. Your story is really getting disseminated!
Looking forward to your press conference. I’m sure in will receive widespread coverage.
John, quick question… Have you thought about the area of Guatemala you plan on settling into?
Antigua? Closer to Belize? Pacific ocean?
I am interested because Honduras and Guatemala have been on my list for a while. Both have a long history of Italian immigration.
I will look forward to your Press Conference John. All the best to you. Will I be able to pick it up here on your Blog? Not quite sure where I can see/hear it yet.
God give you wisdom and peace. I know you will get many ridiculous questions. But, this is a good move for you for the first step.
Being on the run can only tear down your immune system. We don’t want you to get sick. Hope your sleeping. God bless you John. Your friend from the States~
Welcome to Guatemala..i filmed belize for 5 yrs before i began filming Guatemala.i made alot of films for the gob so I known how fucked up they are.We live in Guatemala city. Id love to film the press conference.See my videos on youtube by searching steve odell amazing guatemala. We have other things in common. Call me 30188666….steve & Roseanna
Dear john
Stay safe and the best from Spain
If you ever need to come here I Will offer you my house and car
Take care and justice will prevail
Nice to see a coffe cup in your hand.
Hopefully not served a Belizean saboteur..
This is looking better and better by the hour … congratulations again John on overcoming the hurdles so far. Best of luck tomorrow.
Guatemala City looks like an interesting place, and, reportedly, with better coffee. I hope you find the new environment suitable.
Aryeh Goretsky
Looking forward to it. Hope you get plenty of rest beforehand. Best wishes.
Eagerly awaiting to hear what i believe is the gospel truth.All the best
You should have given a couple of days for international media to arrive…
Good going John, things are finally looking up! Best of Luck! I’ll be watching!