The GSU never sits still. Now that I am gone, they have returned to their old ways. Yesterday, they prevented a man from entering court to testify against them in the shooting death of his brother two years ago. The GSU had shoit his brother in cold blood. Channel Five reports:
“Zane Galvez is the brother of Chris Galvez, who was allegedly killed by police back in 2010. Zane headed to court this morning for a case he brought against the Gang Suppression Unit. But even before he could appear in Court, in the parking lot he was roughed up and beaten by police. This afternoon, the victim became the accused and Zane was charged with one count of aggravated assault against prison officer, Michael Gladden, with whom he had a confrontation during the melee. The spectacle was witnessed by a woman who was threatened and later detained and is now in fear. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports.”
Two of my friends are still being held in prison on trumped up charges. They are:
Eddie Ancona:

Cassian Chavarria:

They were charged and have been imprisoned because three legally licensed firearms were found in the incorrect rooms on my property (stretching the law to the extreme). I would ask you to please email the following and demand their release:
110 responses to “Latest Abuses of the GSU”
Even though I don’t agree with the way Mr. McAfee lives his life. I can understand his frustrations and why he is lashing out at Belize. The system is in shambles and let’s just say, not in control. Mr. McAfee, the next time you want to venture into a lawless country where you feel you can “get away”, remember to pay the Pipers. That was your mistake! The young women in your videos are deploring and do not represent all the women of Belize. The sad truth, it does represent the darker side of Belize. Please use your precious time rebuilding back your image and invest your money back into the net.
Belize is just another one of hundreds of fucked up countries around the world. If you were born there I pity you and will concede that you deserve better. If you’re stupid enough to move there then you’ve made your bed. Obviously a mensa level I.Q. doesn’t always lead to smart decisions.
Don’t want to read too much into it, but this could be another calculated move to keep him safe. Listen carefully, see what you think. Rock on, John 😉
VICE footage of John just hit.
Read this first to get some history on the GOB’s transparent attempt to buy some time and try to cover their asses:
Now read Barrow’s Bonkers reply to it all, lol.
Thanks to Men tor for posting this 🙂
Lots of links about the arrest, but the pictures accompanying this one are new. What was it the haters were saying about McAfee? Condemnation for his hedonistic ways with young girls? Like I said before, it’s a common part of the culture. Apparently Mr. Faull agreed.
[email protected]
I thought John’s official physical residency was in Belize, not the US. Despite a US passport because that is where he immigrated from or his dual citizenship; Belize would be the only place to deport him to, right?
That no arrest warrant has been issued for murder is a good sign.
i see this as a formality and the Interior Minister just talking what the normal procedure would be?
Doesn’t mean it will happen…..
May have to say the right things in advance, like any prosecutor has to represent the state. McAfee still has a defense attorney, a judge still has to decide. His passport status maybe has to come out in the hearing. All that is known officially currently is that he came from Belize. What I’m thinking anyway.
Mike is the wife of my niece. Nobody knows for sure why the raid happened. My niece and the rest of the family are PUP sympathizers though which probably had a lot to do with it. The sad truth is that if you want to dish out a little revenge in Belize all you have to do is provide the GSU with an “anonymous tip”. They’ll spring in to action on a moments notice.
My niece was pregnant at the time and their oldest child was in the house when the GSU broke in and sprayed the place with automatic gunfire. If you search around on the internet there’s pictures of the child’s bedroom with rows of bullet holes zig zagging across the wall.
Marcos Vidal claims they were acting on “information received”. As far as I know the GSU has to this date failed to provide a warrant. Basically the GSU is nothing more than muscle for Prime Minister Dean Barrow. They certainly haven’t put much of a dent in gang activity. When the GSU was originally formed their mandate was gang suppression within the boundaries of the City of Belize. Obviously that mandate is somewhat “flexible”.
Mr. McAfee has well grounded concern to be wary of Marcos Vidal and his Goon Squad. To put it bluntly – they are not nice and they don’t play nice. In all likelihood the GSU is handled by agents of the US letter agencies – CIA, DEA, ABC, WTF. Mr. McAfee should be commended for standing up to these yahoos.
At Least your DTM! Detained Taylor Made! A man should not be punished because he doesn’t want to talk. Fuck em gotta Hate those Haters for Haten. They Should of let Mcafee keep to himself in his compound. I’m sure he very well benefited that corrupt third world country’s local economy. Nothing wrong with orgy’s bath salt and drug manufacturing in your own compound… Damn Mcafee living the dream must be awesome aside from going on the lamb and all… Stellar move with the sand box hat! I give you props……
I smell a rat. This report is completely contradictory. WTF?
from Reuters~~~
*** “He entered the country illegally and we are going to seek his expulsion for this crime,” Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla said.
Guatemala government spokesman Francisco Cuevas said McAfee would be expelled to Belize and he expected the process to be completed by early Thursday morning.
There is no international arrest warrant for McAfee. Police in Belize say he is a person of interest in their murder investigation and is not a prime suspect.
McAfee was taken to a residence belonging to the immigration department guarded by a small group of police. ***
If he holds a US passport, and is not a prime suspect, nor is there an international warrant, WHY is he going to be expelled to
Belize? (by Thursday morning). This stinks of something really rotten.
oh stop it, you silly sir.
Did a Google search for you … apparently there’s only 1 hour time difference. Apparently, it is now 10:34 PM in Guatemala and 11:34 PM in Vermont.
BTW, good news about Eddie and Cassian. Will be praying no roadblocks on their release soon. Please do not go back to Balize for nothing good is there for you or Sam.
Kodeine….Your a complete idiot!
They made a new story out or it, what is confirming the original story:
I don’t think this is part of his ruse. 🙁
Hi John,
A small example of things that have happened while you’ve been gone……
These are all from the crime section:
*****4 GSU cops in trouble for incident involving top cop’s wife******
‘Four police officers attached to the Gang Suppression Unit are tonight on interdiction, following an incident in October during which the wife of Assistant Commissioner of Police Allen Whylie was reportedly assaulted by the team. It is alleged that Sandra Whylie and her daughter bore witness to the physical abuse of a young man, who […]’
*****Crime Declaration: no warrant needed; area access restricted*****
‘Belize may not be a police state, but the implementation of some draconian laws may have that effect in certain neighborhoods in Belize City and possibly other parts of the country. The government considers crime has reached crisis levels and on Thursday, the Prime Minister said, there is no way we can give in to […]’
*****Ten bullets; man gunned down in Murder Capital, Belize City*****
‘One man narrowly escaped being murdered on Tuesday night and he clings to life while another shooting victim was gunned down with close to a dozen bullets this morning, just prior to a speech being delivered by the Minister of National Security John Saldivar, in Belize City. The Ministry sent a release stating that no […]’
****Robber charged with Attempted Murder for pushing a cop****
‘Thirty year old Gregory Bowen was charged with attempted murder this morning when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Anne Marie Smith, following an incident on Friday during which he allegedly shoved a bicycle on a police officer, causing him to fall out of the pan of a moving vehicle. Bowen, one of five men pursued […]’
****Is police brutality the cause of severe injuries?****
‘A Corozal man was critically injured in a case of alleged police brutality and tonight Samir Viva remains hospitalized at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. According to his girlfriend, Stephanie Sanker, he has been the victim of constant harassment by police without good reason. She says that on numerous occasions, Vivas has been picked up, […]’
****Minister of National Security says crime is down****
‘There were six murders over the past weekend alone and the continuous spate of violent crimes has residents on edge countrywide. But in his address at the B.T.I.A. AGM today, the Minister of National Security, John Saldivar said that major crimes have actually decreased over the past five months. According to Saldivar it may not […]’
Written on November 29, 2012
….At least the papers are still being allowed to report….for now, anyway.
Glad to see you and Sam looking like you feel better and have had some rest. Still, be careful.
How will I be able to see the News Conference at 2 pm Guatemala time and where can it be seen?
Take care and get rest. You do not want to get sick. Buy some vitamins 🙂 Balize needs to be exposed for what it is and for all the harrassment it has caused you, and, sounds like so many others. Be safe and use all your wisdom that I know you have.
God bless you and Sam.
I guess they refused or were unable to pay their protection money…
…also, are you not also a British Citizen? Can you seek help, protection or advice through the British Embassy?
I really hope the ABC report was BS and you are OK.
Corruption and class warfare is everywhere and it is allowed to thrive by the powers that be to intentionally drain society of wealth, energy, love and happiness as a whole. If corruption wins, we are doomed to miserable servitude. Keep up the good fight, be alert and don’t let your guard down. However, don’t let the fight consume your spirit or occupy your every waking thought like a virus that replaces your sense of self and peace of mind. Perpetual preoccupation is a prison in itself. Enjoy life and occupy your time with positive activities and thoughts. Some times the best action plan is to do just what we need to do, wait and lay low while things play out.
Also, it’s a fact that there is always going to be some bitter resentment against expats living in third world countries. You have to expect and accept that going in and it’s not always what we first imagined it would be like. It can even get a bit depressing and lonely having to always be on guard against some resentful people who want to chip away at what we have worked for. Don’t let it get to you or get you down. You have been more charitable than most and you can’t solve everyone’s problems. Government corruption and political greed is mostly responsible for oppression and economic depression and not the wealthy who stimulate economies Many fear confronting corruption with good cause even in America now days. Most people’s battle against corruption goes unnoticed. You’re fighting the battle against corruption on the front line with a large supporting audience. Be grateful for the company of the masses as most people suffer through these sorts of ordeals on their own.
I believe your biggest mistake was being generous with the Belizean government in the first place. They will always want more and more once you give in. Having to pay for freedom, security and peace of mind is tyranny. With the amount of money the Belizean government took, a better future could have been built for many in your community. Having a community behind you is better than being temporarily in favor with corrupt government and greedy politicians. Don’t make the same mistakes in Guatemala.
Even those who invested in corrupt government and politicians in America are now facing a 50%+ tax rate… I hope we have learned a lesson now as well… Otherwise, it won’t be long before the justice system in America resembles the justice system of Belize… It’s already bad enough. Justice is a gamble at best with favor given to those who can afford it, but justice is never guaranteed. Many people make the mistake of having false confidence in the system being fair and honest. It can be painful to be falsely accused of something you know you didn’t do and then coming to the realization that the system is broken, corrupt and biased. Don’t let it get you down or consume you. That’s what they want. Keep your spirits up, win and peace be with you.
Please can anyone confirm or deny this article from ABC 30 minutes ago?
It says that John has been arrested for illegal entry and that Guatemala is going to expel him.
John – are you ok? what’s going on?
Please give an update when you can. I hope you and Sam are OK and send my best wishes.
CNN breaking news says “Tech mogul John McAfee arrested after fleeing Belize and accused of being in Guatemala illegally, interior ministry says. “
CNN breaking news says “Tech mogul John McAfee arrested after fleeing Belize and accused of being in Guatemala illegally, interior ministry says. “
He just got arrested….
News sources are saying John has been arrested in Guatemala. Is this true?
Please let us know if john has been arrested
who’s minding the store guys? wake up
News is breaking that McAfee was arrested in Guatemala.tonight .. what’s up… you are our eyes and ears
Sir!! Glad you are ok and have a lawyer. Sorry about cute. It’s that unconditional love. I was going to say that right before you vanished and now I can! Heaven must be full of animals. Looking forward to more info.
“Watch CNN fox msnbc and every other news channel in the world. You never see any stories on corruption ever.”
Are you really saying you don’t believe corruption is rampant in Central America? I bet you have never been outside the US…
And in fact, all the news channels you mention and others around the would frequently report on corruption. You obviously just don’t want to see it, so nothing will convince you, except being in the thick of it.
What is the difference in time zone between Belize or Guatamla and Vermont? We are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
You are running your dillusion like it is your kingdom and although there is some honor in that there is no honor in me encouraging it.
I also want you to know that your existance has helped me.
To Beliezian to the bone… you certainly are an alter ego and just what is needed during times like these. Some people are as thick as cement. To your mother and father in heaven (God) you are invaluable. If you committed a crime that does not make you worth any less to them. They made us human. They made us so that we can make mistakes. What they want you to do is repent.
Daily mail says mcAfee arrested in Guatemala
The post was supposably posted on Vice reporters Facebook Or is this another prank?
You know you are very vulnerable and I think that you would be better off in the hands of your local police in Belize.
Who is The GOB? Do not pay him if this is true.
This is a song “Yes I am a pirate. This I know is true. An over 40 victim of fate… arriving too late”.
That is a good point. I do. Sweet comment.
Leave him alone. I am making a new rule on this blog. If you can not saying anything nice then do not say anything at all. The golden rule.
Do you mind if I ask you what your vices are and what you are doing to stay healthy? I have a few of my own and maybe we could compare notes.
I’m sorry but most cops are scum bags.. Just the other day a Chicago cop shot a 7 month old puppy TWICE while he was writing a parking ticket. The dog crossed the sidewalk while wagging its tail. The dog didn’t even approach the cop.. He shot it! Blows my mind!
Another Chicago cop, a 300lb dude, just got convicted of beating the shit out of a 100lb female bartender… Beat her unconscious because she cut him off. After he had already been kicked out of the bar twice earlier that same day.
These are the people we are supposed to tell our children are here to protect us!?!?
I know there are good cops out there, not many from my experiences but I’m sure they exist. Most police forces might as well just be considered ‘legal gangs’. That’s all they are. It’s no different.
John had a quote on one of his posts that I absolutely love. Sums it up pretty well.
“The fact that SWAT teams exist and every policeman carries a gun and is trained in violent tactics, should alert us to the fact that practicing peace is not the means of choice for maintaining peace” -John McAfee
I do not drink either. I am a Latter Day Saint… have been for 12 years.
That is the right answer. For that one I know what you need to do. You need to turn yourself over to … is it the San Pedro police…in Belize. Or go in for their questioning. However they have put it.
why dont you have a child? it just seems a shame that you wont really pass your knowledge and experience on to someone. do you have an apprentice or something? im assuming someone like you probably cares alot about the legacy that they leave behind.
hey dude, you are curropt youself.
Try Jesus!
i say it alot also….i find it gives me a little extra time to think about what im going to say. also helps me because im not good at remembering peoples names. and i dont see anything disrespectful about it…..i see it as establishing/maintaining a connection to somone rather then a barrier. its polite.
why in the world would his property NOT remain his to sell?? This is all about corruption. Taking his property would be ridiculous.
If you get this way I will buy you an oversize steak.
You would not be able to eat it all but a 24oz blackend prime rib here is awesome. With smoked quail and blackened alligator for appetizer.
It is the little things in life. Stay Safe and remember the decision matrix, it works.
John, don’t relax your vigilence at this crucial time. you’re in just as much danger now as ever, so keep your eyes open.
I too have have some great stories of corruption. Some great ones. I lived in SP for almost 4 years. The place is a f..king mess. At some point I will figure out how to reach you. I want my story told. People need to be aware just how BAD that place is.
Unless? he marries a Native of Belize? or has children born in Belize ? would that make a difference? It might be a way of transferring property at least .
Does Belize have the same law as in the US where a spouse can not testify against a spouse?
I am no longer a Romantic about Life, and therefor question his recent ( Bretraythal ), betrothal and impending nuptial bliss . He doesn’t appear like the marrying kind… but they seem to Play well together , maybe Love has found Andy Hardy.? .. if that is the case, I wish them well and Happily Ever After .
I had a laugh. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post.
“Last week, Barrow accused McAfee of perhaps “going bonkers” after the American investor made scandalous accusations against the UDP. Well, it appears the Prime Minister must have contracted the virus because his offensive remarks on Tuesday couldn’t have come from a state official willing to improve Belize’s relations with financial institutions and the world’s super power.” *chortle*
The initial video clips look great. Sam looks like she is made for the cameras. Good for you both!
PLEASE put up the press conference live via Livestream or something similar. Or at the least post unedited video later of the entire press conference. We are eager to get as many details as possible. Thank you and good luck.
The Whole GSU Does seem to be an out of control gang. Even a simple Google search “Belize GSU ” Brings up all sorts of bad stuff about the Prime ministers private gang. news about them brutalizing people
and “Belize, GSU Police taking the law into their own hands”
But one thing really caught my attention about the GSU raiding the home of a night club owner with out a warrant shooting and up his house. BUT they also KILLED this guys DOGS TO. and nothing illegal found at the house. and they are being charged with 9 counts of attempted murder. Now.
Clearly a case for charges against the GSU. I am curious as to how the PM responds to this type of criminal activity within the GSU or if he ever does confront them. Is he frightened of them too? Has anyone ever successfully won a case for abuse against the GSU & lived to tell about it?
John, I thoroughly agree that there are major issues with this unit of the police, I’m just not sure that you have gone about this in the most correct & honorable way. I feel you brought way too much attention to yourself & surrounded yourself with too many questionable people, causing the message to be lost. I wish you had openly challenged the 2 men who threatened you, instead of waiting until something bad really did happen & going on this crazy hide & seek journey.
This is not a blog about the murder. If you whish to create one, I will be happy to and comment on it. But not here.
I don’t drink. But thanks. As above.
Thought this was interesting. I wandered upon it via a Forum. Thursday, May 26, 2011, 20:30 – Belize City, The Belize Times
The Prime Minister’s specially-funded elite-security team, the Gang Suppression Unit, has come under heavy criticism for their handling of a purported search of a home in Belmopan after the residence, in which children slept at the time, was riddled with almost 50 bullets, and then raided with mighty force.
Today the residence located across from La Cabaña nightclub, owned by club owner 34 year old Mike Menjivar, appears something from the aftermath of a raid in a Godfather movie scene. Dozens of bullet marks and holes can be found throughout the house, even in the rooms of Menjivar’s children, including his epileptic daughter, who were sleeping at the time of the raid.
The GSU claims they were responding to a tip-off at 4 in the morning on Friday, May 20th. They have not indicated what information they got. They reportedly responded by surrounding the residence with numerous vehicles and armed security forces. Head of the GSU, Marco Vidal, claims he called out for the owner of the house, and instead of opening the door, gunshots were fired at them.
But Menjivar, his family, and a horde of witnesses claim the police are fabricating stories. They claim that the Police simply raided the house without a warrant, and brutally assaulted Menjivar and his family. Menjivar’s brother in law, Jose Chacon, claims the GSU went about in a menacing manner.
Chacon said the GSU surrounded the house in private vehicles, shot out the lights around the house and shot the guard dogs dead in the yard. He said if Menjivar did fire at them, it would have been because he thought he was being assaulted by criminals and did not recognise them as officers of the law. They claim the family was terrified by the assault and even called the Police-911 to report that their home was being invaded.
Please let us know on what media we can watch in entirety, I feel major networks will not broadcast 2 hours uninterrupted.
no, its disrespectful.
you’re using “sir” as a distancing device to keep people at arms length.
Can I buy you a drink? Sounds like you need one. Best of luck
The latest abuses of the GSU confirm John’s need to run and not turn himself in for “questioning.” Had he done so he would now be a dead man.
Roll Tide John!!! Guatemala is beautiful.
Keep the Faith John and dont let them Break your resolve! Belize is as Corrupt as it gets !
Sir Sir Sir ! repeated is not respectful, you are coming across as angry and arrogant. Even though Ray Charles can see that Belize is corrupt, someone murdered an American citizen. The issue is to eliminate suspects. I suggest you do a page and name it MY ALIBI ! and give details on what your alibi is when the murdered happened.
I find it interesting that your reason to flee to Guatemala was to avoid the false accusations of the corrupt government and police of Belize. From your new safe have haven you are now free to expose the rampant corruption of the Belizean government, a fact that most people accept. You have recordings and possibly other evidence as proof. It still will not change a thing. Belize is just one of the very many corrupt countries of the world. Real change will only come from within and will only happen when the entire population demand it and refuse to live with their corrupt system.
The interesting part is Guatemala is almost as corrupt as Belize. A 10-minute Google search found tales of similar political and police corruption in Guatemala. Police conduct raids without warrants and arrest people without cause. The only difference is that many detainees never make it to jail; they just disappear without a trace or a record of ever having been arrested. The murder rate in Guatemala is higher than Belize and the percentage of cases solved are lower. To get a case solved the family has to pay (bribe) the police to conduct the investigation and many times they find the perpetrator (new victim) in a few minutes. That perpetrator most often confesses so a court hearing is not required and somehow commits suicide while being transported to prison.
Your attorney, Mr. Telésforo Guerra, is indeed very good. He successfully defended the former president of Guatemala, Mr. Alfonso Portillo, against charges of embezzling $15 million. Mr. Guerra was the Attorney General under President Portillo. The evidence was overwhelmingly against the former president. They had his signature on aid checks for the country that he then deposited into his personal accounts in the US and in Europe. Evidence came out after the trial that Mr. Guerra had a connection with Patricia Veras, one of the judges on the 3-judge panel that found Mr. Portillo innocent. There is a video of Mr. Guerra having a short meeting with Ms. Veras’ husband on an elevator shortly before the verdict. Had she voted to convict Mr. Portillo would have been found guilty. This is not proof of impropriety but many in Guatemala have voiced their concerns about it and some have told stories of government harassment by authorities similar to the ones you tell by the authorities of Belize.
The common thread through all of this is the high level of corruption and influence by drug cartels in both the governments of Belize and Guatemala. You already admit to lying and misdirection to suit your purposes (to avoid capture in Belize, to mess with reporters that are not reporting the story you want, or to win a bet), the obvious question becomes are you again using misdirection to hid that the real problem that somehow you got on the wrong side of a drug cartel?
I am withholding my judgment as to whether or not I believe you. I do know as a student of history that the major decisions and actions rarely happen on the public stage. That is an illusion for mass consumption. The best method of keeping the public’s eye on the stage and off of the real action is the media. Unfortunately, if you have played the game I think you might have, you have made the rich gringo mistake. You can not protect yourself by buying off a new army of protectors why so publicly humiliating your old one. The people left behind in Belize are in terrible danger and you are not as safe as you think. The same people you bought can be bought for just a few dollars more.
They didn’t. It was another arm of the police. No GSU were there, no Coast Guard.
John, they never left their old ways. You just happened to be the most convenient target of the moment, but instead upped the ante as the witness for Galvez did; by being vocal instead of retreating into the shadows.
Fortunately you and Sam will likely see a positive outcome.
Unfortunately, when the novelty of your case wears it will be back to business as usual and perhaps under a thicker mask, as the corruption there appears to be condoned from the top down and not isolated to a few crooked cops.
Stay rested. You and Sam are both going to need good health and clarity in the coming days, weeks and months.
I expect to have them released by Friday. Keep your fingers crossed. Your emails are having an impact. Don’t stop them.
Well, it needs to be told about Guatemala too, so you are actually requesting asylum in another corruption ridden country. Why ask for asylum if you have not been charged or openly persecuted in the country where you are not even a citizen? Why ask for asylum in a country that is just as corrupt? You have made so many accusations against the country that you are running from, where you are not even wanted, & yet you plan to return there to live as if none of this happened & major accusations laid & corruption will live on. Asylum means you want safe harbor in THAT country & yet you do not even plan to stay there, but instead to return to the country where you contend that they want to kill you. Why would Belize allow you back in, when you have made all of these accusations & left there illegally? What makes you so important to them? Even if you answer the questions they have about Mr. Faull’s murder & are cleared of any suspicion, why would they want you back? They’d be fools to allow you to return & live there. You are not a Belizean citizen & therefore really have no rights as a citizen. Please tell me why they’d want you back, unless you paid a substantial amount of money? It seems that after all the trouble you’ve caused, money would be the only reason for wanting you there, so it seems that there is no solution, as your complaint is that some low life’s from a small town tried to shake you down, you refused, a man was murdered, you’ve avoided questions concerning the murder, & are now trying to take down the entire government. I don’t even see the connection between the little town of Carmelita, where you tried to be the big man in town & ruffled many feathers there, to the entire government of Belize.
More time.
I put up this link and yesterday it was certainly working. In February of 2000 tree Belizean soldiers and a policeman were imprisoned in Guatemala and accused of being on Guatemaltecan grounds. They mentioned in the article that the Government of Belize hired John’s lawyer. This was a big issue those days, and after a few days the guys got free after a few days. Iam certain, if you google a bit, you will find evidence of this events.
Unfortunately we don’t know now, why they took took down the article. I assume that they just wanted to stay out of trouble.
I see the drug case different: There was a court case. If the system would have been corrupt as here so often assumed, there wouldn’t have been any case. And if there is not enough evidence, the verdict has to be “not guilty”. This is how a functioning judicial system works.
In most cases the problem is in my opinion the executive branch. The police is in deed very poorly equipped. Don’t forget, that the budget of Belize is comparable to an average town in the US of 25.000 inhabitants. They just can’t afford things that are standard in the first world like DNA analysis or helicopters.
I guess we all should move away from this simple black and white thinking. Belize is not as bad as some guys here may think, and it is not as perfect as some Belizeans try to picture it. But it is certainly worth getting support on its way to betterment.
I am so sorry. What can I do to help you? If you could have anything what would it be?
Does your newly hired attorney have any influence to get Eddie and Cassian released from jail on bond ? Thought being a former attorney general in a neighboring country he may have a connection to assist with expediting their release.
BTTB – Saw your comment below on Ambergris Today. Tell us how you really feel about gringos:
” Belizean to the Bone • 5 days ago
Obviously that man has his agents who are watching everything, reporting, blogging, and making a fool of the police. Then again you hear that the “Police is investigating the matter” like all other cases. Do they? You tell me if you think they move a finger to investigate. They could care less. But the truth is that McAfee is no longer in Ambergris Caye. Who cares. Town Council should start fixing the documents to sell property and invest it in the town. Don’t let Central Gov. take it because they spoiled and corrupted that man. As for the fear that the Expats will rush out in fear if there is a collapse of real estate…that would be just fine. Too many of them are here only hustling.”
The truth needs to be told about Belize. I will begin telling it to the world tomorrow, at 2:00 P.M., Guatemala time. So far I have said little. Tomorrow, the story begins.
It is respectful.
I agree. There is no reason for granting any kind of political asylum because you are not even wanted for a crime & there is no warrant for your arrest for any offense. Guatemala has no reason to grant asylum just because 2 individuals from Carmelita may have made death threats against you & attempted to shake you down. I understand that Lanny Burns & an ex-commissioner from Carmelita, Anthony Rhaburn, are bad apples & have been accused by other local residents for demanding political contributions to the UDP (Google Lanny Burns Belize), along with other offenses, but why didn’t you make your issues against these 2 people public at the time, as the Tzul family did or hire an attorney to accuse them of bribery & threats against your life? Instead you call the PM a liar & took on the entire government & police forces of Belize. Certainly everyone in the government is not corrupt. If Rhaburn had a cousin in the government that could cause you harm, then why not make this public at the time? Why not contact others who were also having problems with these men? It seems that what the Tzul family did by issuing a public proclamation & rallying against the UDP candidates, has a much greater effect than accusing the GSU, the GOB, & other police forces of specifically wanting you dead. It just makes no sense.
Thanks for posting this before it disappeared, maybe some of the naysayers will take their heads out of the sand, and admit to the corruption. You have been doing a tremendous service for Belize, bringing this to the attention of the international community.
Why do you call everyone SIR!!??!?!
it seems like you have problems connecting with all the people there.. if so, why should anyone trust you, SIR?
Asylum is for people who cannot return to their HOME COUNTRY for fear of persecution. McAfee’s home country is the U.S., not Belize. Is he contending he will be persecuted in the States? He might have left some unpaid bills there, but that is not persecution.
Rightfully, Guatemala should deport him to the U.S., his home, because he entered illegally. But I’m sure, as long as the dregs of his money hold out, he can buy special accommodations with any government in Central America.
I don’t need a crystal ball to see that McAfee’s journey on this Earth will end badly. Too bad in many ways. And I hope Mr. Faull’s murderer is caught and hanged. Unfinished business bothers me.
There are about 195 countries in the world. Belize has a toral population of 350,000. Belize is the 6th most dangerolus country in the world. You do the math. Murders, home invasions, rapes and other violent crime is out of control in Belize. Many of those being murdered are not naive tourists they are streetwise reisends nad world travellers. On ambergrise alone A stewardess for Tropic Air was murdered, a real estate agent and now a guy who was about to sail around the world. These are not stupid people. What chance does a tourist have against those odds? There are dangerous places in every country but Belize takes violent crime to a whole new level.
Be careful of the people you consider you friends.
All the Crap that is posted on this blog makes absolutely NO SENSE. I hope the addict does not return to Belize. You have defamed MY country and you will have a case to answer soon. Good Luck
I would not live there period!
Here is a preview of VICE footage. Sam looks great. Oh, John, get that tailor tailoring…
Does not surprise me. Although 157 countries have ratified an anti corruption stance, the tiny country of Belize has totally ignored this. Watch here:
that Belize is doing to its citizens , what United Snakes of America is doing to the world .
John , I wish you all the best my friend . you got out of there that was your best move . Now your best move is , STAY OUT OF THERE
may god help you
Did you know that there was a link posted yesterday that claimed your Attorney had already been retained by the GOB?
Alarmingly, when I clicked the link, it says ‘Oops, this link seems to be broken’. Not good. I can’t find any story on Ch.5 website.
That makes me think one of two things has happened.
1. There is absolutely no validity to this story and they were forced to pull it down ( should have printed a retraction )
2. There is complete validity to this story and they were forced ( by Gov’t? ) to pull it down ( would not have a retraction ).
This is very troublesome John. Have you gone ‘ out of the frying pan into the fire ‘? I hope not. It is completely apparent that your words of corruption are true, as evidenced by this article, about the 4 cops found not guilty (gasp!) of 2 ton drug plane shipment in 2010.
The comments are very telling as well. Please be careful. You are more of a thorn to the GOB now than you were during the previous 3 weeks. I don’t mean to show any disrespect to Sam’s uncle, but if I were you, I would want to know the truth before taking one more step. I am scouring my History right now to find an article I read last night ~ without realizing it’s importance ~ quoting a Guatemalan Government office about sending you back to the USA, as there is no grounds for political asylum from Belize….you are not a fugitive. I will post it for you as soon as possible. Please be careful.
Wow! It is like they don’t even try to hide the corruption! I am so glad that you and Sam are in a safe place. I hope that you continue to expose the corruption in Belize – you might just be the one to make it a safer place for those that live there and those that want to come back for the holiday! Best wishes!
The link in the article is down, with a report saying that it’s not available. I guess that could either be because, thanks to Mr McAffee, there is so much interest in Belize at the moment that the additional international traffic overloaded the site, or it could be because someone in Authority in Belize “asked” the news service to take the story off the air for a bit. The site itself seems fine, so I am somewhat tempted to think the second explanation to be closer to the truth.
I’m writing this from thousands of miles away – half way across the world – and in one sense I feel rather disconnected from the experiences shared via this blog. It has been interesting to read the false and somewhat strained “oh really?” disbelief from mainstream media as they absorb what is being said here.
But the truth, the sad truth, is that, to borrow a much-used phrase: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” When we read about “corruption” from a Western nation, it’s all too easy to think of places like the former Iraq (under Hussain), or similar third world countries to Belize. We’re victims to a stereotypical “Hollywood” portrayal of such things.
But the sad fact is that where there is power, there is corruption. To generalise by example: the difference between third world corruption and first-world corruption is that in the third world, a local official will hold out there hand and expect payment. You grease the palm, you get through; you decline and you’d best get comfortable and settle in for a long wait. In the first world, an official “on the take” would never be so crass as to hold out their hand in public.
Instead, you get an elected official deciding to award a massive procurement contract to a particular supplier, only to later resign their post, retire from elected office, and to take a job on the board of directors of that same company. Or you have a major contractor for public sector tenders participating in “no-bid” contracts. Or you see a public sector company being charged 3 or 4 times the going rate for items of technology because of a contrived and obscure bidding process that “the rules” insist must be followed.
We’d do well to remember this.
I need to tread a fine line here. I do not wish to offend any specific individuals in either Belize or any other nation, but the bottom line is that the reason we have the word “corruption” in our language is because human beings are fallible, weak, greedy and easily manipulated. It doesn’t matter what country we’re talking about. Corruption is the same the world over.
I also don’t want to offend Mr McAffee, who by all rights has been (very) poorly treated throughout this and previous escapades.
But I especially don’t want to offend the memory of the late Mr Faull and his family. Whilst we write about and gnash our teeth on the on-going injustice, Mr Faull has lost his life and his family have been deprived of a father/husband/son. As disturbing as Mr McAffee’s story is, that’s the real trajedy here.
It’s only natural for us to follow the adventures of Mr McAffee with interest: he is a charismatic and flamboyant individual and this story will doubtless throw a few more unexpected turns before it concludes. However, if all those writing about injustice or corruption in Thirld World countries *really* cared, they would first attend to the injustice and corruption in the nations where we live.
As Goethe wrote, “If we each swept the street outside or home, soon the whole world would be clean…” Or if that’s too obscure for you : “You hypocrite, first remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the spec from your brother’s eye.”
You left you’re out of there leave it alone already. You’re not gonna save Belize, corruption is everywhere in this world way worse than Belize. People leave and seek refuge in other countries all the time. You don’t have enough money or followers to fix it. You’re story changes everyday post are deleted people aren’t allowed to comment unless its positive. You were there 5 years and you just realize in April it’s corrupt? While dating and knowing people there. Hard to believe it took you this long to see or hear about it. Watch CNN fox msnbc and every other news channel in the world. You never see any stories on corruption ever. I think you went to Belize hoping to do your thing bang some young chicks do some salts make some sexual enhancement pills and flaunt you’re shit. You should have been speaking of this years ago. And after reading thru all this for weeks and weeks now I’ve come to the conclusion somebody on your compound killed that poor man. If it wasn’t you it was maybe Sam who you have said numerous times would kill you cut you harm you etc etc . And let’s not forget Amy she tried to kill if that was even true or not all your stories have big holes in them. So I say it was one of you three. I’m sure this will be banned by the moderators of this. Point is after 5 years you’re just now screaming corruption why is that? I’m sure if I moved to North Korea or Iran, Sudan, Syria, etc etc etc it wouldn’t take 5 years to notice it. You should have stayed low key and quite and not flaunted you’re ego around.
after this is all over with and assuming your able to resume your life as it was….do you have any plans to try to prevent something like this happening to another innocent person and/or fighting the corruption not just in belize but in all of south america? you wouldnt personally have to do it, you could start an organization or a foundation….obviously you can do whatever you please, i was just wondering.
these are the government henchmen that are going to be tough to change. They were put there with assistance from the DEA.
No matter who is in charge at the top … it will be business as usual for the GSU. It is because of the GSU that may make it impossible to go back to Belize.
It is refreshing to see you with your money and power being so devoted to what I consider to be a strong moral compass, so lacking in this day in age. Let us hope that in such a forum will not only bring light to these issues but also an awareness of basic human rights. I remember in WW2 my father was a Merchant Marine and would tell me similar stories how oppressed places in the world can be. Thank you for being so outspoken and so drive. It only takes one voice of conviction to expose evil, Gandhi knew this and it is still relevant today.
please stop assuming everyone will get your pranks
please leave belize – no matter how beautiful or nice, it doesn’t seem like a tolerant locale
The newest article on says that you are not wanted for murderer charges… that you are just wanted for questioning. I do not believe that that is true.
I waited for the water taxi to Ambergise in the grounds of the Belize City court house. I watched a man with a cardboard box filled with assorted open bottles of hard liquor sell them to the cops standing around outside. Nice place to visit–NOT
And yo want to live there? Bizarre!
Something I read said that The GSU and the coast gaurd denied that they ever raided your place.
And the Hits just keep on Commin’! My Friend, you may be the catalyst for change. Keep on truckin’!! Give me best to Sam please. Praying for you both. John, do you believe in the power of Prayer??
This is something that happens all the time. Police are so corrupt and have no professionalism, they think because they have a badge and a gun that they are untouchable, You go John show them how St***D they are… If the Belizeans can’t make a change to the system because we are incapable of hiring big attorneys and not get killed or abused by the “officers”, at least an outsider who has the power could put them to shame
Pretty scary stuff, its like you cant say or do anything contrary to what the GSU wants to enforce. I am glad that you and sam made the move and are now receiving excellent support. Good luck and remember ,Michigan woods await….Leisa
Unbelievable.. These guys need to be stopped..